Door of Hope Mission Odessa, TX

September 2024 Newsletter

Prayer Request: This month, seek God's guidance in revealing someone in your life with whom you can invest some time.
By doing so, it will have a positive impact in their life, and your own. Then, each month, for the next year, continue to ask Him to show you someone you can support and uplift through your presence.

Please call us if you have any questions about the Mission or how you can help. 432-337-8294

A Word From Our Director ~ Pastor Andrew Pistone

A Thousand Marbles
The author of the following story is unknown, but I think we can be inspired by his experience. 

Here's what he said:
The older I get, the more I enjoy Saturday mornings. Maybe it's the quiet time that comes along with being the first one out of bed – while the rest of my family gets a little bit of extra sleep; or maybe it's the freedom I feel because I have a day off of work. Either way – I really enjoy Saturday mornings.

A few weeks ago, I shuffled to my backyard patio - early in the morning - with a cup of coffee in one hand and the morning newspaper in the other hand. It was a typical Saturday morning for me, but it turned into a morning of inspiration – the kind of inspiration that life seems to hand to us from time to time. 

After a few minutes of reading, I turned the radio on, and I came across a talk show that was already in progress. As I listened, I heard the voice of an “older sounding” man with a rich, golden voice. You know the kind: He sounded like he should be in the broadcasting business – or singing opera. 

He - and someone named Tom - were in the middle of a conversation, and I was curious.

The older gentleman said, “Well, Tom, I know you're extremely busy with your job. It sounds like you're a hard worker, and it's a blessing to have a job - but it's a shame that you have to be away from home and from your family so much. It's hard to believe that a young guy has to work sixty or seventy hours a week to make ends meet, and it's too bad that you missed your daughter's piano recital because of your work schedule. I'll tell you something that's helped me to organize my life.” 

That's when the older gentleman began to explain his theory of A Thousand Marbles.

“You see, I sat down one day and did a little arithmetic. The average person lives about seventy-five years. I know that some people live more than that, and some live less – but on average, folks live about seventy-five years. Then, I multiplied 75 times 52 - and I came up with 3,900 - which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their entire lifetime. Now…stick with me, Tom. I'm getting to the important part. I was over fifty-five years old when I made those calculations, and before that – I had never even thought about this in any detail.” He went on, “By that time - I had lived through more than 2,860 Saturdays.”

“I started thinking - that if I lived to be seventy-five…I had just a little over 1,000 more Saturdays left. So, I had an idea. I would buy enough marbles to represent the remaining weeks until my 75th birthday: one marble for each week. I went to a toy store and bought every single marble they had. I had to go to three toy stores before I could locate that many marbles.” three toy stores before I could locate that many marbles.”

“I took them home and put them inside a large, clear, plastic container, and I put it in my home office. Every Saturday since then, I've taken one marble out of the container. I found out that - by watching the marbles disappear - I started to be intentional about focusing on the important things in my life.”

“When I started this, it seemed like all those marbles would last forever. After all – there were more than 1,000 of them! Also, I didn't expect the project to have such an impact in my life; but I was completely wrong. It was a powerful and visual reminder – encouraging me to get my priorities in order. My 75th birthday is coming up this week - and this morning, I took the very last marble out of the container. I figure that if I make it to next Saturday - then God has blessed me with a little extra time.”

“Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, that - very often - I try to think about someone I'm thankful for, or someone who inspires me, or someone who makes a difference in the world. If possible, I hand-deliver the marble of the week to them, express my appreciation for them, and then - explain my routine with the marbles. If they live far away, I mail the marble to them – with a short, written note of explanation. You'd be amazed at the ripple effect of this. It's important for me to express my appreciation, and they seem to be encouraged by my system.”

As they finished their conversation, the older gentleman said, “It was nice to talk with you, Tom. I hope you find a way to spend more time with your family. Have a good week.”  

You could have heard a pin drop after that radio conversation was over. Even the moderator of the show didn't have anything to say for a few moments. I guess the man with the marbles - had given all of us something to think about.

After the talk show was finished, I put my coffee down and went upstairs to wake my wife up with a kiss. “C'mon honey. I'm taking you and the kids to breakfast, and then – we're all going to spend the rest of the day together - doing something meaningful.”

“What brought this on?” she asked with a smile. 

“It's been a while since we spent an entire Saturday together as a family, and I'd like to do that today. Also, I'd like to stop at a toy store while we're out. I'd like to buy some marbles.”

Managing Our Time
I'm guessing - at one time or another – we've all sensed that time is going by quickly. The demands of our lives fill every day – and, as we get wrapped up in the details of living, our priorities can sometimes get a little scrambled. We're all unique – with different circumstances and life situations, but if we think carefully about the hours in our days with clear vision – hopefully, we'll be intentional about how we use our time. It's important to find balance in our daily routine.

Some of us probably need to slow down, and make more time for rest. Some of us probably need to be more diligent in our  work. Maybe we need to stop procrastinating – now. Maybe we need to laugh a little more. Maybe we need to spend quality time reading our bibles and listening to God. Maybe we need to be active in taking care of our health. Maybe we need to forgive someone - or ask someone for forgiveness. Maybe we need to go the extra mile in mending relationships.

As every Saturday passes, a symbolic marble is disappearing from each one of us – whether we recognize it - or not.

Can we say that we're doing the things God wants us to do? Are we living by a standard of biblical integrity and moral purity – in front of the people we know…and more importantly…before God?

If we are followers of Christ, the reason we were put on this earth – is to bring glory to God. Our rebellious, sinful nature sometimes gets in the way of that - but with a willing attitude, and God's help – we can use our time to glorify Him in all things – both big and small. 

David said, “But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord. I say, You are my God. My times are in Your hand.” (Psalm 31:14-15A)

Pastor Andrew

Thrift Store
If you haven't had a chance to shop at our Thrift Store, we hope you will do that very soon. The proceeds from the store are a major source of our support. You will find thousands of quality items at incredible prices, and you can shop with confidence that your dollars are helping to change lives.

We are located at 1515 E. 8th Street, Odessa, TX Our hours for shopping are: Monday - Saturday from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm.
We continue to take ALL donations with grateful hearts. We could not do this  without  your  help.
We will come to PICK UP any and all donations – just give us  a  call  at  432-337-8294  to  schedule  a pickup. You can also drop off your donation at the Thrift Store, 

Funds / Donations Needed

Your financial support will help us provide hot meals, a safe place to sleep and shower, and exposure to the truth of God's Word through Bible study and counseling to those who struggle with addictions. Many come to know Jesus as Savior because of the work God is doing here at the Mission.

There are a few ways you can give:
#1:  PayPal Giving Fund:
100% of what you give goes to the Mission. Paypal does not keep a processing fee when you use this service. If you would like to make a direct financial donation you can go to PayPal at the link below.

#2:  Use our Website http://www.doorofhopemission.com/donate.html

#3:  Mail a Check to  Door of Hope Mission PO Box 1789, Odessa, TX 79760

#4:  When you Shop at Amazon or Ebay, just add us as your preferred charity, and a portion of your purchase will go to the Door Of Hope Mission.

With Amazon: Visit Amazon Smile www.smile.amazon.com, then login to your account then you need to select Door Of Hope Mission Odessa TX so we will receive donations from eligible purchases when you shop.  

With Ebay: You just need to add the Door Of Hope Mission to your favorites. Click the link this link to add us.

If you have any questions please call us 432-337-8294.

The Door of Hope Mission is supported 100% by DONATIONS and our thrift store. We do not take money from the government because they would restrict us from preaching about the freeing power of Jesus to those we help.
All donations are tax-deductible.


We are in need of good furniture and antiques that you might want to donate to our ministry, and of course - we continue to take ALL donations with grateful hearts. We could not do this without your help.

We can also accept cars, trucks, RVs  and boats.

If you have items you wish to donate, please drop them off at the store. If you need us to pick them up, please call the Mission at 432-337-8294.

We invite you to come and visit the Door of Hope Thrift Store. We are located at 1611 E. 8th Street, Odessa, TX 79761.

Our hours for shopping are Monday - Saturday from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm.

Please visit us on Facebook :  www.Facebook.com/DoorOfHopeThriftStore

All donations are tax deductible.

Please check out our latest post and like our page at https://www.facebook.com/DoorOfHopeMissionTX