Door of Hope Mission Odessa, TX

March 2024 Newsletter

Prayer Request for March 2024
Would you pray this prayer with us? In these times of trials and uncertainty, remind us that You are our ultimate sustainer. Help us trust in Your provision and  rely on You for all our needs. Strengthen our faith, O Lord, that we may find rest and peace in Your presence.

Please call us if you have any questions about the Mission or how you can help. 432-337-8294

A Word From Our Director ~ Pastor Andrew Pistone


Bread has been a staple in our diets for thousands of years, so it's no wonder that there are so many types. There's definitely no shortage of varieties: flatbread, focaccia, ciabatta, pita, biscuits, baguette, sourdough, challah, tortillas, cornbread, bagels, pastries, and a large assortment of others. For some  people,  the  croissant  is  a  favorite.

There's a bakery in Sonoma, California that makes some very popular croissants called, “Hero Croissants.” The company's marketing statement says that these pastries have a nutritional profile that you'll find hard to believe – and that they don't compromise on tasteor  texture.

Each croissant has 170 calories, 10 grams of protein, 20 grams of fiber, 2 grams of net carbs, and no sugar – which makes them much healthier than the traditional croissant. They come in a pack of six - for the barga in price of $39.99...and there's a waiting list of over 15,000 people!  For people who are increasing their intake of protein, and cutting their carbs – these would be an extravagantly  expensive  option.

Bread of Life
In the Bible, bread is mentioned - in one form or the other - as a recurring symbol of life. It was definitely one of the main foods in ancient times, and there are hundreds of references to bread. It's mentioned in reference to our hunger and to the nourishment of our physical bodies, but it also  refers  to  our  spiritual  nourishment. 

After Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, He said to them, “I am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never  be  thirsty.” (John 6:35)

Jesus is emphasizing that the most important bread is not the kind we eat to nourish our physical bodies, but the kind of bread which provides spiritual nourishment. Jesus is the true, eternal food which all people need. So…How do we learn about the Bread of Life, and how do we grow  spiritually?

Learning About the Bread of Life
God has preserved the Bible for us – His Living Word – which gives us everything that He wants us to know about life on this earth and life in eternity. We don't need to look any further for other emotionally exciting experiences that are not found in God's Word. “God's divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness.” (2 Peter 1:3)

Charles Stanley said, “The Bible gives men and women a purpose for living. It explains the mysteries of creation, suffering, heaven and hell. The Bible holds the keys for attaining and maintaining real success. It contains the blueprint for successful marriage and family relationships. The Scriptures contain the story of salvation, a story that reaches back to the beginning of time and extends into eternity. Is there really a good excuse for a Christian not to read the Bible? Every time a believer opens his or her Bible, the Holy Spirit goes to work to illuminate the Scriptures. In that way, He is able to minister to each of us, at the right pace, according  to  our  particular  needs.”

How much time do we spend reading and studying God's Word? We're not talking about attending church or praying. We're talking about spending time actually reading and studying the  Bible. 

Some believers have said, “I don't understand the Bible. It's too difficult,” but, that's not an excuse for avoiding it. There may be parts that we don't fully understand, but we shouldn't give up on reading it. We should search for the truths that are  there. 

In general, I'm thinking that the problem is not that we don't understand the Bible, but that we don't have the motivation to read and study it. Some people don't consider it important enough to  make  the  effort. 

 Are You Motivated?
I once heard this illustration: Suppose a distant relative leaves you an enormous amount of money. His attorney sends a letter to you - to let you know about the massive fortune that you've just inherited. In order to collect the money, you must fill out a long, complicated form. As you begin to complete the form, you realize that it's WAY over your head. Not only is it long, but the legal language is a little confusing, and you're struggling to understand all of the details. What do you do? Do you just put the papers on a shelf and tell the attorney that you can't accept the money because you don't understand exactly how  to  fill  out  the  form? 

I doubt it. You would go out of your way to get some help. You'd do whatever you had to do – to figure it out. After all, your future would be completely different if you could get the massive, life-changing  inheritance. - Motivation!

Even if Bible study seems overwhelming, we can remember that there are lots of good study guides that are available to us – and, as Dr. Stanley said, the Holy Spirit helps us to understand what we are reading. All of this helps us  to  learn  about  the  Bread  of  Life.

A Fresh Commitment
Deep down, I think we all know that it's important to know and to understand what the Bible says, but we get distracted and preoccupied with our day-to-day commitments and activities - and we often neglect our spiritual nourishment. I hope this encourages all of us to make a fresh commitment to read, and to dig into the truths of the Bible – consistently getting to know Jesus – the Bread of Life. We don't want to miss out on an opportunity  for  God  to  speak  directly  to  us.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)

We can ask Him to give us wisdom as we study – so that we can bring honor and glory to Him, as we  live  our  lives  according  to  His  Word.

Pastor Andrew

Thrift Store
If you haven't had a chance to shop at our Thrift Store, we hope you will do that very soon. The proceeds from the store are a major source of our support. You will find thousands of quality items at incredible prices, and you can shop with confidence that your dollars are helping to change lives.

We are located at 1515 E. 8th Street, Odessa, TX Our hours for shopping are: Monday - Saturday from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm.
We continue to take ALL donations with grateful hearts. We could not do this  without  your  help.
We will come to PICK UP any and all donations – just give us  a  call  at  432-337-8294  to  schedule  a pickup. You can also drop off your donation at the Thrift Store, 

Funds / Donations Needed

Your financial support will help us provide hot meals, a safe place to sleep and shower, and exposure to the truth of God's Word through Bible study and counseling to those who struggle with addictions. Many come to know Jesus as Savior because of the work God is doing here at the Mission.

There are a few ways you can give:
#1:  PayPal Giving Fund:
100% of what you give goes to the Mission. Paypal does not keep a processing fee when you use this service. If you would like to make a direct financial donation you can go to PayPal at the link below.

#2:  Use our Website

#3:  Mail a Check to  Door of Hope Mission PO Box 1789, Odessa, TX 79760

#4:  When you Shop at Amazon or Ebay, just add us as your preferred charity, and a portion of your purchase will go to the Door Of Hope Mission.

With Amazon: Visit Amazon Smile, then login to your account then you need to select Door Of Hope Mission Odessa TX so we will receive donations from eligible purchases when you shop.  

With Ebay: You just need to add the Door Of Hope Mission to your favorites. Click the link this link to add us.

If you have any questions please call us 432-337-8294.

The Door of Hope Mission is supported 100% by DONATIONS and our thrift store. We do not take money from the government because they would restrict us from preaching about the freeing power of Jesus to those we help.
All donations are tax-deductible.


We are in need of good furniture and antiques that you might want to donate to our ministry, and of course - we continue to take ALL donations with grateful hearts. We could not do this without your help.

We can also accept cars, trucks, RVs  and boats.

If you have items you wish to donate, please drop them off at the store. If you need us to pick them up, please call the Mission at 432-337-8294.

We invite you to come and visit the Door of Hope Thrift Store. We are located at 1611 E. 8th Street, Odessa, TX 79761.

Our hours for shopping are Monday - Saturday from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm.

Please visit us on Facebook :

All donations are tax deductible.

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